EXPEDITING and Second and Third Party INSPECTION and TESTING Service
L’attività di Expediting, Inspection e Testing sulle forniture è sicuramente la più delicata in quanto è la fase che ogni cliente ritiene strategica per il conseguimento di un risultato ottimale sul completamento di qualunque progetto.
Second and Third Party Inspection and Testing Services
Equa offers inspection services in compliance with the regulatory prerequisites and the standards of quality and safety required. The inspection/testing activities are conducted by Equa in the form of second party inspection at suppliers of materials, products, machinery, systems or their components, or in the form of third party inspection as third party entity completely independent of the other parties involved, in order to ensure conformity regarding the project requirements, specifications, codes and national and international standards.
Equa conducts its activity in relation to the standard UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17020 with highly qualified personnel.
Expediting Service
Among the services provided by Equa are also the Desk and Field Expediting activities through which Equa handles the monitoring of the production, supply and delivery processes in order to prevent risks and obstacles which could cause costly and problematic delays for the customer. The Expediting action is carried out during all the management phases of an order such as:
- Contractual
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
- Testing
- Shipping
- Documentation
The Expediting service is divided into:
- Desk Expediting, an e-mail and telephone activity conducted with the customer to check and monitor the status and scheduling of the orders and deliveries quickly and practically.
- Field Expediting, monitoring visits at the production site by experts with the task of auditing the production programmes, checking the implementation of the orders and the progress of the production and supply activities, validating the shipping details, all the while providing information and immediate feedback with the goal of complying with the established timelines and expiries.
- Full Time Monitoring, an activity that is implemented in the event of serious critical issues.